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Disclaimer: The Environmental Resources Mapper does not show all natural resources which are regulated by NYS DEC, and for which permits from NYS DEC are required.

Unique Geological Features This layer shows unique or unusual geological features or landforms.

Waterbody Classifications for Rivers/Streams This layer shows water quality classifications of New York ’s rivers and streams.

Waterbody Classifications for Lakes This layer shows water quality classifications of New York ’s lakes and ponds.

Waterbody Inventory/Priority Waterbodies List (WI/PWL) The Waterbody Inventory/Priority Waterbodies List (WI/PWL) compiles waterbody assessment information for all lakes, rivers, streams, estuaries and coastlines in the state. The WI/PWL Fact Sheets outline the most recent assessment of best uses, identification of water quality problems and sources, and a summary of activities to restore and protect each waterbody.

NYS Freshwater Wetlands This layer shows those wetlands that are currently mapped under the state's Freshwater Wetlands Act (outside the Adirondack Park ).

Imperiled Mussels This layer shows streams that contain imperiled freshwater mussels and enhanced permitting requirements may be necessary.

Significant Natural Communities This layer shows locations of rare or high-quality wetlands, forests, grasslands, ponds, streams, and other types of habitats, ecosystems, and ecological areas.

Rare Plants and Rare Animals This layer shows generalized locations of animals and plants that are rare in New York State, including but not limited to those listed as Endangered and Threatened.

Base Flood Elevation Plus 72/75 Inches Sea-level Rise and Limit to Moderate Wave Action These layers contain information about Sea Level Rise.

What do I do if my land is near any of these areas?

If you are considering a project in, or near, any of the areas shown on these maps, contact your regional DEC office for more information about how to proceed. Final determinations regarding any permits required for a project are made by NYS DEC.

Need a Permit?

Disclaimer: These maps are for informational purposes only. The Environmental Resources Mapper does not show all natural resources which are regulated by NYS DEC, and for which permits from NYS DEC are required. For example, Regulated Tidal Wetlands, and Wild, Scenic, and Recreational Rivers, are currently not included on the maps.

NYS Freshwater Wetlands Permit Required for any physical disturbance, within the boundary or within the 100 foot adjacent area, of a state protected freshwater wetland. Note: Freshwater wetlands within the Adirondack Park are not included on these maps; contact the Adirondack Park Agency for permit information.

NYS Protection of Waters Permit Required for:
- the disturbance of the bed or banks of a protected stream, which includes water bodies in the course of a stream of 10 acres or less, with a classification of AA, A or B, or with a classification of C with a standard of (T) or (TS).
- for the excavation or placing of fill in navigable waters of the state, below the mean high water level, including adjacent and contiguous marshes and wetlands, with a water classification and standard of C or D.

Please note that enhanced permitting requirements may be necessary in areas containing "Imperiled Mussels"

Rare Animals, Rare Plants, and Significant Natural Communities The Rare Plant and Rare Animal data layer does not show precise or exact locations of rare animals and plants. Rather, it shows those general areas where potential impacts to rare animals and rare plants may need to be addressed if a project or activity is proposed. The Significant Natural Communities data layers do show the actual locations of natural communities. If a proposed project or activity is located within a significant natural community, or within the vicinity of a significant natural community, potential impacts should be addressed. Whether a given action or project will impact a rare animal, a rare plant, or a significant natural community, and in what manner and to what degree, will require further consultation.


For more information about whether a permit is needed or for help in getting a permit, and for further information on specific wetlands; streams; or rare and endangered plants, animals and natural communities:

Please contact the most appropriate DEC regional offices.

For questions related to the overall freshwater wetlands program and freshwater wetlands mapping :

625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-4756

For questions related to the tidal wetlands program:

123 Kings Park Blvd. (Nissequogue River State Park),
Kings Park, NY 11754
631 444-0430

For questions related to the rivers and stream protection program:

625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-4756

For questions related to the water quality standards and classifications program:

625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-3502

For questions about rare animals, rare plants, or significant natural communities, contact the New York Natural Heritage Program :

625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-4757

For information about federally-listed endangered and threatened species:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
3817 Luker Rd
Cortland, NY 13045

For information on wetlands inside the Adirondack Park:

Adirondack Park Agency
PO Box 99
1133 NYS Route 86
Raybrook, NY 12977

For information on federally protected wetlands, rivers and streams:

Contact the ACOE as follows:
Buffalo District Office for locations in DEC Regions 6-9:
1776 Niagara Street
Buffalo, NY 14207
New York District Office for locations in DEC Regions 1-3:
26 Federal Plaza
NY, NY 10278-0090
Albany Field Office for locations in DEC Regions 4-5:
1 Bond Street
Troy, NY 12180

Paper copies of freshwater wetlands maps are available at:

Syracuse Blue Print
825 East Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
(315) 476-4084

For information on unique geological features:

NYS DEC - Division of Environmental Permits
Phone: 518-402-9167
Fax: 518-402-9168

Division of Environmental Permits - GIS
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
625 Broadway, Albany, New York 12233-1750

For information on Base Flood Elevation Plus 72/75 Inches Sea-level Rise and Limit to Moderate Wave Action:

NYS DEC - Office of Climate Change
Office of Climate Change
625 Broadway, Ninth Floor
Albany, NY 12233-1030

To obtain copies of the GIS digital data please contact: http://cugir.mannlib.cornell.edu

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