The NYS Unique Geologic Landforms project is a joint venture between the NYS DEC and the New York
State Museum/Office of the State Geologist that was developed to assist in the implementation of the
State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) through the Environment Assessment Form (EAF). The EAF
asks if there are any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? The Unique Geologic Landforms
project created a data base where this information can easily be found. The effort has resulted in the
identification of over 600 sites that have been identified as unique geological features or landforms.
The set of data for these sites has been loaded to the DEC internal data base and publicly accessible
through our Environmental Resource Mapper. Each star or point represents a Unique Geological Landform.
The presence of a unique geological feature or landform near a project does not trigger a requirement
for a NYS DEC permit. Readers are advised, however, that there is the chance that a unique feature may
also show in another data layer (ie. a wetland) and thus be subject to permit jurisdiction.