Great Lakes Shore Viewer
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The New York Great Lakes Shore Viewer is an interactive map that allows users to explore approximately 850 miles of New York’s Great Lakes shorelines, including Lake Erie, the Niagara River, Lake Ontario, the St. Lawrence River, and many of the larger embayments.

Routinely updated and publicly accessible coastal oblique imagery is intended to support state resilience programs, promote ecosystem-based shoreline management, and assist with shoreline change monitoring. Funding for this project was provided by the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.

2012 Shoreline Imagery

US Army Corps of Engineer collected shoreline oblique photos along all of the Great Lakes in 2012 as part of FEMA’s Great Lakes Coastal Flood Study program.

2022, 2024 Shoreline Imagery

These layers contain oblique aerial imagery of the NY Great Lakes shorelines collected by Civil Air Patrol-NY Wing in partnership with NYS DEC.

Starting in 2022, the Civil Air Patrol completed imagery flights of the majority of NY’s Great Lakes coastline using volunteer pilots and photographers equipped with high resolution cameras.

The Civil Air Patrol is made of citizen volunteers who serve in times of national need, after hurricanes, floods, and other disasters. All activities completed by Civil Air Patrol volunteers are donations of their time and expertise to help country and community. In addition to providing cost effective coastal imagery to NYS, this partnership provides a valuable training opportunity for the Civil Air Patrol aircraft pilots and crews.

Disclaimer: Please note that the data presented here should be considered preliminary and does not reflect current conditions along the coast. Care should be exercised in interpreting these data based on knowledge of coastal geology, engineering, and mapping. Site assessments may be necessary to properly interpret this data.

As New York’s Great Lakes coast is a dynamic and constantly changing environment, one should consider consulting with local authorities and qualified professionals before building or making other land use decisions along the coast.

Questions or comments about the New York Great Lakes Shore Viewer and its contents can be directed to:

More resources can be found at:

NYS DEC Great Lakes Watershed Program.

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